Service | Patent Attorney’s Fee |
Patentability Assessment (prior art search) | $1,000 – $2,500 |
Draft and File a U.S. Utility Non-Provisional Patent Application | $8,500 – $15,000 |
Draft and File a U.S. Design Patent Application | $995 – $3,500 |
Draft and File a U.S. Utility Provisional Patent Application | $2,500 – $7,500 |
U.S. National Entry | $1,250 – $3,500 |
Respond to a Patent Office Action | $500 – $5,000 |
Respond to a Restriction Requirement | $500 – $4,500 |
Prepare and File Issue Fees; Docket Maintenance Fees and Reminders | $350 – $950 |
The government fees for Patents can be found here: